Koala Passive Disease Surveillance Victoria - a collaboration between the Melbourne Veterinary School and DEECA Victoria
About Us
The Melbourne Veterinary School, University of Melbourne, has a wide range of expertise in veterinary research and veterinary medicine across most species, domestic and wild.
This project draws on all of that expertise, including pathology, diagnostics, microbiology, parasitology, epidemiology and clinical medicine. Koalas will receive a full necropsy at our state-of-the-art post mortem examination facilities at the School's Werribee campus. Diagnostic and research samples will be examined by relevant experts to provide insights into the diseases and health issues of koalas.
Wildlife Health Veterinary Researcher
Project Lead and co-ordinator
Dr Liz Dobson
Veterinary Pathologist
Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health Researcher
Project lead
Wildlife Veterinarian
Coordinator Wildlife Health Surveillance Victoria
Project lead
Veterinary Pathologist
Project pathologist